Your donations help us to be ready when the call for support comes in


Operation Appreciation provides support for military service members in the Georgia Guard and Reserves, Veterans, and their family members, including our littlest heroes, the children.

With your donations, we are to accomplish our goals by providing assistance - no matter the need.

  • Retreats at our Red, White, and Bear Cabin for Disabled Veterans

  • Resource Identification Through Other Organizations

  • Unit Support via Care Packages

  • Family and Soldier Readiness Group (SFRG) Support

  • Forward & Rear Detachment Support

  • Emergency Humanitarian Support for Housing, Food Insecurity, Mental/Physical Health, and Natural Disasters

  • Focus on military children through activities and mentorship.

Our history, our mission, and our goal is to find a way to effectively assist the service member/veteran/family member in need when OpA receives a request. Our assistance is not based on rank or qualifying applications. Our assistance is based on need only.

Each and every assist is unique, unplanned, and centered around the specific request received.





Find out about our organization,
mission, our methods,
and the results of our advocacy.


JOIN the community partner team

Ready to take the next step? Be the difference for our veterans in our community and our country.